At the beginning of my work, I based my guitar models on the common body shapes of well-known manufacturers: Jumbo, Dreadnaught, OM (orchestra mode), OO, etc.
But soon I no longer wanted to "copy" them, but to develop my own ideas.
Therefore I created the A-style guitar, which is a bit smaller, and the AA-style type. Both guitars usually have a particularly large body depth, approx. 110 mm at the base of the neck and approx. 125 mm at the end block. It turned out that the instruments have a great volume, while also having a nice differentiated sound.
My guitars are built in the Spanish style, meaning the body and neck are firmly connected.
I usually make the necks out of cedro or maple wood and the fretboard out of ebony.
The head can be cut out upon request.
The neck width at the saddle is usually 43 mm and at the transition to the body 55 mm.
The bridges are made of ebony or rosewood.
The soundboard is provided with an X-bracing.
My passion is acoustic guitars and other folk instruments, but also love building classical guitars based on Spanish models.
All instruments are handcrafted in the gbl workshop and are planned together with the customer. Only the best materials are used for construction and repairs. Visitors are always welcome to visit the workshop!
Gerhard Bode-Labusch
Alte Dorfstr. 1
D-31632 Husum-Bolsehle